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Embracing Nature: Why You Should Rewild Your Garden for Pollinators

In our fast-paced and increasingly urbanised world, there is a growing disconnection between humans and nature. However, with the rise of environmental awareness, more people are realising the importance of creating and preserving habitats for our fellow Earth inhabitants. One crucial way to contribute to the well-being of our planet is by rewilding our gardens for pollinators. By transforming our outdoor spaces into vibrant sanctuaries, we can support and protect these vital creatures while enjoying the beauty and benefits of a thriving ecosystem right outside our doorstep.

Earthly’s co-founder Lottie was featured in an RHS film about gardening for the environment at the RHS Hampton Court Palace Garden Festival.

Why does the world need Pollinators?

Pollinators play an irreplaceable role in our ecosystems, and their decline poses a significant threat to biodiversity and food security. Bees, butterflies, hummingbirds, and other pollinators are responsible for pollinating over 75% of flowering plants and nearly 35% of global food crops. However, habitat loss, pesticide use, climate change, and other human activities have led to a decline in pollinator populations worldwide. By rewilding our gardens, we can provide a safe haven for these essential creatures and help reverse their declining numbers.

How to create a haven for Biodiversity?

Rewilding our gardens means embracing a more natural and diverse landscape. By cultivating native plants (take a look at this handy list you can grow in the UK!), we can attract a wide array of pollinators, as these plants have co-evolved with local pollinators and provide them with the food and shelter they need. Native flowers, shrubs, and trees act as a beacon for bees, butterflies, and other insects, while also supporting the entire food chain. As pollinators thrive, other species such as birds and small mammals that depend on them will find their way to your garden, increasing overall biodiversity.

Restoring Ecological Balance

When we rewild our gardens, we create a mini-ecosystem where natural processes can unfold. Pollinators not only pollinate plants but also contribute to seed dispersal and enhance genetic diversity. By facilitating these processes, we enable nature to restore itself, promoting a healthier and more resilient environment. Rewilded gardens often require less intervention, as natural predators of garden pests, like ladybugs and lacewings, are attracted to the increased biodiversity. This leads to a reduction in the need for chemical pesticides, creating a safer and more sustainable garden environment.


Improving Garden Aesthetics and Well-being

A rewilded garden is a sight to behold, with its riot of colors, buzzing activity, and harmonious blend of scents. By incorporating native flowers, shrubs, and grasses, you can create a beautiful garden landscape that changes with the seasons. Moreover, spending time in nature-rich environments has been proven to have numerous benefits for our mental health. A rewilded garden provides a sanctuary for relaxation, stress reduction, and reconnecting with the natural world.

Simple Steps to Rewild Your Garden

You don't need a large plot of land or extensive gardening knowledge to rewild your garden for pollinators. Start by researching and selecting native plants that are suitable for your region and soil conditions. Incorporate a variety of flowering plants that bloom at different times throughout the year to provide a consistent food source for pollinators. Create diverse habitats, such as planting meadows, leaving areas of undisturbed soil for ground-nesting bees, and providing water sources like bird baths or small ponds. You can even incorporate biochar into your rewilding garden to improve soil health and fertility, giving your plants the best start in life. Using biochar as a natural soil enricher reduces the need for chemical fertilisers, which can harm the environment when used in excess. Avoid using pesticides and herbicides in your garden, as they can harm or deter beneficial pollinators, insects and other wildlife. Instead, allow the increase in biodiversity and the restoration of ecological balance to act as a natural form of pest control. 

By rewilding our gardens for pollinators, we become custodians of a delicate balance that sustains life on Earth. Our individual actions, no matter how small, collectively make a significant impact in conserving and restoring our planet's biodiversity. So, let us embrace the beauty, resilience, and essential role of pollinators by transforming our gardens into havens of life and promoting a harmonious relationship between humans and nature. Together, we can create a better world, one rewilded garden at a time! 

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